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Determine now

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Determine now is a 501C3 Non-Profit organization that uses social and emotional learning to bridge the gap between families and schools. Due to increased anxiety/stress of life and now in a pandemic, it is important that our children, families and schools have S & E tools. Meditation is one way to bring awareness to our inner feeling and to deal with them in a more healthy way. Determine now aims for positive inter-generation impact. They are in Orange County, Circuit 9.  Public meditation every Monday at 6:30 PM. For more information, please email Shequila Roberts at


21 Days of Encouragement
for Single Moms  

Do you know a single mother? How about a singles ministry? this book will speak volumes to all the single mothers in your life. It will speak words of encouragement and love. Most importantly it will uplift the single mother in your heart right now when you are not able speak into her. A 21-day journey of discovery and encouragement for single mothers. This book provides tips, encouragement and love for any single mother

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The Grandma/ Grandparent Code: specifically for grandparents. Computer and technology assistance, Meditation for Seniors, Live weekly discussions, Bonding activities for grandparent and grands

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